Reexamination of Ilkhanate administration: the case of the bitigchi

mardi 2 février 2016


    Mandkhai Lkhagvasuren (doctorante à l’université de Tokyo, Japon) interviendra sur le thème suivant : Reexamination of Ilkhanate administration: the case of the bitigchi.   Résumé: My main research interest is the history of the Mongol Empire with a special focus on the administrative and institutional history of the Ilkhanate, the Mongol dynasty of Iran in 13th to 14th century. I am particularly interested in the Mongol mechanisms of sedentary rule and its impact upon the local political and administrative tradition. For this talk, I will be discussing about the role of bitigchi and its development from the beginning of the Mongol Empire to the Ilkhanate in Iran in mid 13th century. By doing so I would like to understand the hybrid nature of bureaucratic mechanisms and reevaluate the Mongol heritage in Iranian political tradition.
  • Centre des Études Mongoles et Sibériennes (CEMS)
  • Bâtiment le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
  • (métro Quai de la gare)
  • 1er étage, salle 102