Atelier Eurasie centrale EPHE – intervention de Sultonbek Aksakolov

La prochaine séance de l'Atelier Eurasie centrale du GSRL à l'Ecole pratique des hautes études aura lieu le mardi 6 juin de 11h00 à 13h00 au Campus Condorcet - Bâtiment Recherche Nord - 14 cours des Humanités - 93300 Aubervilliers (métro Front populaire) - en salle 5.067 ou en ligne via le lien suivant : (ID de réunion : 671 2381 8579). Les personnes qui, prévoyant d'être présentes, ne disposent pas du badge du Campus Condorcet, nécessaire pour avoir accès aux étages du Bâtiment Nord, sont invitées à se faire connaître. Nous écouterons :

Sultonbek AKSAKOLOV (Université d’Asie centrale, Khorog, Tadjikistan, directeur d’études invité, EHESS/IISMM)

sur le thème

Religious Education and the Transmission of Learning in the Autonomous Region of Upper Badakhshan: the Soviet and Current Periods

As one of the main components of religious life of the Ismaili Shias of the Upper Badakhshan Autonomous Region, in Tajikistan, religious education has undergone dramatic change in the Soviet period. The traditional schools (maktabs) disappeared between the 1920s and 1940s, and religious teaching became confined within sacred lineages of okhons (masters) endowed with family libraries. Elements of religious knowledge passed on to cenacles of relatives and acquaintances, and were transmitted through the devotional performance of sacred panegyrics (maddah khwani). Limited geographically, these networks of masters did not enjoy the institutionalisation of Sunni Islam in the USSR. The presentation explores the evolution of religious teaching among the Ismailis of Upper Badakhshan between the 1940s and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 — through the limitation of Ismaili rituality, on the first hand, and on the other hand the perpetuation and mutation of a religious and ethical knowledge (‘ilm) transmitted by classical literary genres. Avec tous nos remerciements pour votre aimable intérêt, et nos cordiales salutations, Lili Di Puppo, Stéphane Dudoignon, Léo Maillet