Email: mololied(a)
Academia: //
London, United Kingdom
Research interests:
Religion and humour; religion, social welfare and international humanitarian action; majority churches and the European economic crisis; religion, migration and social integration; religion, laïcité and dress in France; religion and education.
1/2016 – present
Editorial Manager, Religion, State and Society, published by Routledge/Taylor Francis
Responsible for the editorial management of the journal’s quarterly publication in cooperation with the two editors: reviewing article submissions, managing the peer-review and editing process, and liaising with the authors, editors and publisher.
8/2015 – 11/2107
Post-doc Research Assistant, Faith and Fashion, London College of Fashion, University for the Arts, London, UK.
Work with Professor Reina Lewis on Faith and Fashion which examines the opportunities and challenges of melding religion with fashion. Research in modest fashion and organisation of events bringing together fashion designers, entrepreneurs and bloggers, journalists, policy makers and researchers from secular and religious communities.
3/2014 – 12/2017
Visiting Fellow, Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre (CRS), Uppsala University, Sweden.
Editorial coordination of an edited volume published by Policy Press (September 2017) based on the project “Welfare and Values in Europe” (WaVE) – see below.
11/2009 – 8/2010
Researcher/Editor. Open Society Foundation (OSF), London, UK.
Conducted research, wrote selected chapters and edited a 200-page co-authored policy report on The Education of Migrant Children: An NGO Guide to EU Policies and Actions, published by the OSF’s Education Support Programme (Integration and Diversity in European Education/IDEE project).
11/2007 - 5/2009
Researcher/Project Coordinator. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), Baltimore, MD, USA.
Designed and conducted mapping survey among 50 Christian Orthodox humanitarian organizations worldwide. Wrote final report on Orthodox Diakonia Worldwide. An Initial Assessment. Coordinated dissemination and publication of survey results.
2006 – 2008
Editor. University of Exeter, Centre for European Studies, Exeter, UK.
“Welfare and Values in Europe” (WaVE) research project – Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre (CRS), Uppsala University, Sweden. Edited 12 state of the art and 12 case study reports for an EU funded project on the role of majority churches in the provision of social welfare to migrant communities in Europe. Responsible for liaising with foreign authors to review their texts and check for accuracy throughout the research and editorial process until publication of the final reports.
9/2006 – 8/2008
Associate Editor, Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review (journal of the Association for the Sociology of Religion/ASR, USA).
Provided manuscript reviews for the Journal and acted as principal source of advice and information for the editorial office.
6/2007 – 9/2007
Researcher. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva, Switzerland.
Researched and wrote analytical policy paper and final report for a conference on “The Role of Migrant Women in the Promotion of Multicultural Identities” (Rome, September 2007), organized by the IOM’s Religion and Migration programme.
10/2003 – 9/2005
Researcher. University of Exeter, Centre for European Studies, Exeter, UK.
Designed and conducted research, wrote final report and coordinated dissemination and publication of results for “The Religious factor in the Construction of Europe” project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
2003 – 2005
Editor. University of Exeter, Centre for European Studies, Exeter, UK.
“Welfare and Religion in a European Perspective” (WREP) research project – Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre (CRS), Uppsala University, Sweden. Co–authored country and case study report on Greece for an EU funded project on the role of majority churches in the provision of social welfare in eight European countries. Edited 8 country and 8 case study reports. Responsible for liaising with foreign authors to review their texts and check for accuracy throughout the research and editorial process until publication of the final reports.
2011 – present
Freelance Copy Editor and Translator (French and Greek > US/UK English).
Specialist subject areas: sociology, religion, politics and international affairs.
Intermediate Member (IM), Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP).
Associate, Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI).
9/2010 – 8/2011
MA Translation and Linguistics with Distinction, University of Westminster, London, UK.
9/1995 – 6/2001
Doctorate (Ph.D) Sociology of Religion (written in French), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Paris, France.
Dissertation subject: “Pluralism and education: the expression of religious affiliation in public schools. The case of Muslim students in France and England as reported by the daily press”.
Highest distinction awarded unanimously by the examining board.
9/1994 – 6/1995
Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies (DEA) Sociology of Religion, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Paris, France.
9/1988 – 1/1990
MS Mass Communication, Boston University/College of Communication, Boston, MA., USA.
1/1985 – 5/1987
BA Fine Arts History, Tufts University, Medford, MA., USA.
Honours: Cum Laude; Dean’s List.
1978 – 1983
High School Diploma. Pierce College, American College of Greece, Athens.
Religion and Welfare in Europe: Gendered and Minority Perspectives, edited volume (with Anders Bäckström and Grace Davie), 2017, Policy Press.
“The Intersections of State, Family and Church in Italy and Greece” (with Margarita Markoviti). In: Religion and Welfare in Europe: Gendered and Minority Perspectives, edited by Lina Molokotos-Liederman (with Anders Bäckström and Grace Davie), 2017, Policy Press.
“La réponse de l'Église orthodoxe de Grèce face aux effets humanitaires de la crise économique”, Archives en sciences sociales des religions (forthcoming 2018).
“The impact of the crisis on the Orthodox Church of Greece: a moment of challenge and opportunity?”, Religion, State and Society, 2016, 44/1.
“La transmission du religieux à l’école grecque: tentatives de réforme d’une question récurrente”, L'annuaire Droit et Religions, volume 8, 2015-2016.
“Faith and charity: European crisis presents opportunities, challenges for church and state”, The ARDA (Association of Religion Data Archives), 31 October 2015,
Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries: Conceptualising and Understanding National and Ethnic Identity Through Boundary Approaches, co-edited with Jennifer Jackson, 2014, Routledge Publishing.
Innovation in the Christian Orthodox Tradition? The Question of Change in Greek Orthodox Thought and Practice, co-edited with Trine Stauning Willert, 2012, Ashgate Publishing.
“Religion as a Solution to Social Problems: A Christian Orthodox Approach”. In: Religion and Social Problems,
edited by Titus Hjelm, 2010, Routledge Publishing.
The Education of Migrant Children: An NGO Guide to EU Policies and Actions, co-authored with Jana Huttova
and Elif Kalaycioglu, 2010, Education Support Program, Open Society Foundations.
“The Disgraceful and the Divine in Greek Welfare: The Cases of Thiva and Livadeia”, co-authored with Effie Fokas. In: Welfare and Religion in 21st Century Europe: Configuring the Connections, edited by Anders Bäckström, Grace Davie and Ninna Edgardh, 2010, Ashgate Publishing.
“Sacred Words in a Secular Beat: the Free Monks Phenomenon at the Intersection of Religion, Youth and Popular Culture”. In: Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of Religion in Politics, Ethnicity and Culture, edited by Victor Roudometof, 2010, Ashgate Publishing.
Orthodox Diakonia Worldwide. An Initial Assessment (2009), published by the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).
“Greece : A Case of Selective Secularization and Deprivatization of Religion?” In: Secularism, Women and the State in the Mediterranean World Today, edited by Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar, 2008, published by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society & Culture (ISSSC), Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
“Le rôle des ONG humanitaires orthodoxes dans l’action sociale et le développement international: le cas des organisations orthodoxes”. In : Les ONG confessionnelles. Religions et actions internationales, edited by Bruno Duriez, François Mabille and Kathy Rousselet, 2007, Paris: Collection "Religions en questions",published by L'Harmattan and the AFSR (Association française des sciences sociales des religions).
“Looking at Religion and Greek National Identity from the Outside: The National Identity Cards Conflict through the Eyes of Greek Minorities”, Religion, State and Society, 2007, 35/2.
“The Greek ID Cards Controversy: A Case Study on Religion and National Identity in a Changing European Union”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 2007, 22/2.
“L’enseignement de la religion en Grèce au miroir des manuels scolaires“. In : Des Maitres et Des Dieux – Ecoles et Religions en Europe, edited by Jean–Paul Willaime and Séverine Mathieu, 2005, Paris: Bélin, 71–82.
“Religious Pluralism in Greece”, Canadian Diversity (published by the Association for Canadian Studies in collaboration with the Metropolis Project), 2005 4/3: 21–24.
“Sacred Words, Profane Music? The Free Monks as a Musical Phenomenon in Contemporary Greek Orthodoxy”, Sociology of Religion, 2004, 65/4: 403–416.
“Mutations et débats sur la question religieuse dans l’espace scolaire grec”, Social Compass, 2004, 51/4: 481–491.
“L’orthodoxie à l’école en Grèce”, Revue Internationale d’Education Sèvres, 2004, 36: 71–83.
“Identity Crisis: Greece, Orthodoxy and the European Union”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 2002, 18/3: 291–315.
“Interview with Professor David Martin‟, BSA Network, 2002, 82: 1–3.
“La religion à l’école en France et en Angleterre”, Agora –Débats/Jeunesses, 2001, 28: 114–130.
“Pluralisme et éducation: l’expression de l’appartenance religieuse à l’école publique. Le cas des élèves d’origine musulmane en France et en Angleterre à travers la presse”, Annuaire EPHE – Section des Sciences Religieuses, 2001, 109: 535–538.
“Religious Diversity in Schools: the Muslim Headscarf Controversy and Beyond”, Social Compass, 2000, 47/3: 367–81.
“Pluralism in Education: the Display of Islamic Affiliation in French and British Schools”, Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2000, 11/1: 105–17.
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