Dmitriy Oparin, anthropologue et historien est chercheur invité au GSRL en novembre 2017

Dmitriy Oparin, anthropologue et historien, spécialiste des rituels en Tchoukotka et des migrants musulmans à Moscou et en Sibérie occidentale, est chercheur invité au GSRL en novembre 2017 et donnera une conférence au GSRL le 14 novembre.
Dmitriy Oparin. PhD in History, anthropologist. Senior Lecturer at Department of Ethnology, Moscow State University; research fellow, Institute for Social Development Studies, Higher School of Economics. Research focus – ritual space and ritual dynamics in Chukotka, conducts fieldwork in Chukotka and in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous okrug, author of more than 20 academic papers on history and culture of the indigenous Siberia. For the last two years he conducted fieldwork among the Muslim migrants in Moscow and Western Siberia.
Dmitriy Oparin is a visiting researcher at GSRL under the supervision of Virginie Vaté.