Séminaire des Études Sibériennes – programme 2024-2025

Programme 2024-2025

  • November 13, 2024 Sergei Shtyrkov, EPHE/GSRL (Paris) / Yerevan Center for International Education et Alyona Davydova, Barents Centre of the Humanities of the Kola Science Centre / Russian Academy of Sciences What is sacred about the sacred lake Seidyavr? Kola Sámi in search of authentic ethnic spirituality. (in English)
  • December 11, 2024 Mikhail Bashkirov, UMR Sirice /Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Сибирские “метисы” как категория в российской этнографии в XIX веке (Siberian “Métis” as a Category in Russian Ethnography in the 19th Century”). (in Russian)
  • January 29, 2025 Kirill Shakhovtsov, UMR 5319 Passages (Bordeaux)/ Université de Bordeaux (Пересмотр селькупской терминологии родства: решение старых проблем без новых данных.) The Selkup Kinship Terminology Revisited: Addressing Old Problems without New Data. (in Russian)
  • February 19, 2025 Ludĕk Brož, Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Science Frontal Comparison inside out: Feeding (Game) Animals in Europe and Siberia. (in English)
  • March 12, 2025 Agnieszka Halemba, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Science There are no spirits of Altai Mountains: New Materialism as an Alternative to Dualistic Ethnographic Description. (in English)
  • April 23, 2025 Victoria Peemot, University of Helsinki / JSPS visiting researcher, Tohoku University Sharing Museum Collections with Indigenous Communities: the Tozhu-Tyva Skin-Sewn Garments as Guides into Multispecies Lifeworlds in the Eastern Saians. (in English)
  • May 14, 2025 Erika Monahan, University of Cologne Whose Tsarstvo? Reading Remezov’s Maps for Clues about Sovereignty along Siberia’s Southern Edges in the 17th and Early 18th Century” (in English)
  • June 11, 2025 (exceptionally, from 14:00 to 17:00, room 5.001) Double session “Nanai people in European publications at the turn of the 19th century”. Joanna Dolińska, University of Warsaw Deities, Spirits and Beliefs of the Nanai community in Stanisław Poniatowski's Materials to the Vocabulary of the Amur river Gold. (in English) Anne Dalles Maréchal, Université Saint Etienne-Jean Monnet / GSRL (Paris, France) Depicting the Minorities in the UK: The Perception of Tungus People in the Publications of the British Explorer T. W. Atkinson and the British civil servant H. E. M. James. (in English)