Séminaire des études sibériennes – « Frontal Comparison inside out: Feeding (Game) Animals in Europe and Siberia »
Le prochain séminaire des études sibériennes / Siberian Studies Seminar, organisé par Dmitriy Oparin (UMR Passages) et Virginie Vaté (GSRL), avec le soutien du GDR AREES, aura lieu en format hybride le mercredi 19 février de 14h à 16h, au bâtiment de recherche nord du Campus Condorcet, en salle 5.067 (voir informations ci-dessous, maintenant sur zoom).
Nous recevrons Ludĕk Brož, Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Science, qui fera une présentation (en anglais) intitulée :
Frontal Comparison inside out: Feeding (Game) Animals in Europe and Siberia.
Résumé : In many parts of the world hunting is understood as capture and killing of free roaming wild animals that are, up to the moment they are hunted, self-sufficiently living of the land. In contrast to that ideal, game animals in the Czech Republic are regularly fed by hunters, which is not only a common practice but in the ‘time of need’ even legal requirement. Exploring why, how, when and where Czech hunters deliver feed to their (potential) prey I will demonstrate how my inquiry is formated by my long-term ethnographic experience with studying hunting practices in South-West Siberia (Altai Republic). I will argue that in developing a second fieldsite ‘at home’, an increasingly common scenario among international scholars of Siberia, we turn what Candea coined ‘frontal comparison’ inside out. Benefiting from insights of the Siberian studies audience, I hope to reflect on methodological, epistemic and possibly even ethical consequences of this u-turn of comparative nexus.
Nous espérons vous retrouver nombreux!
Dmitriy Oparin (dimaoparin@hotmail.com), Virginie Vaté (virginie.vate-klein@cnrs.fr).