Séminaire Atelier Eurasie centrale – Mardi 23 mars 2021
La prochaine séance de l'Atelier Eurasie centrale de l'EPHE se tiendra le mardi 23 mars 2021 de 13h00 à 15h00 en visioconférence uniquement, via https://meet.jit.si/AtelierEurasiecentrale.
Cette séance, entièrement en anglais, sera consacrée d’abord à notre activité de veille critique collaborative, à travers une lecture par Kristina Kovalskaya de l’ouvrage The concept of traditional Islam in the modern Islamic discourse in Russia, éd. Renat Bekkin, Sarajevo : Center for Advanced Studies, 2020, suivie d'une communication de
Flora Roberts (Université de Cardiff)
sur le thème :
Muslim hagiographic experiences in the former Soviet realm:
4) The role of the urban elites in Central Asia: a case study of the patricians of Leninabad
In this talk, Flora Roberts presents a study of elite continuity, amid the profound social and political changes unleashed by the Soviet government in the republics of Central Asia. She assesses the impact of Sovietisation on a single, clearly defined social group: the hereditary elite of Leninabad, an ancient town in the Ferghana Valley. Roberts charts the ways in which these Islamic notables negotiated the transition to the Soviet regime, and to what extent their success or failure affected their prestige and influence. She argues that the success with which the old elite learned to “speak Bolshevik” (Kotkin, 1999) fundamentally affected the ways in which Soviet power functioned in Central Asia. The contemporary relevance of “traditional” elite groups in post-Soviet Central Asia – in spite of decades of heavy-handed state intervention aimed at eradicating the influence of both Islam and inherited privilege, was the apparent paradox that first drew her to the topic.
Flora J. Roberts is a Lecturer in Environmental History at Cardiff University, and former member of the Junior Research Group on Environment and Society in Central Asia, led by Dr Jeanne Féaux de la Croix, Tubingen University, Germany, and LIAS/LucSor fellow at Leiden University. She has a BA from the University of Oxford and an MA and PhD from the University of Chicago, and is currently completing her manuscript titled Patricians of Leninabad: Culture and Lineage in Soviet Central Asia. She has published in Ab imperio and Central Asian Survey.
NB - Pour tenir compte des demandes formulées ces dernières semaines, l'horaire de l'atelier a été modifié, jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Il en va ainsi de son programme, pour nous adapter aux contraintes actuelles sur la mobilité de nos hôtes internationaux. (Un PDF du nouveau programme est disponible à la page de l'atelier : https://www.ephe.psl.eu/formations/master/master-etudes-asiatiques/atelier-eurasie-centrale.)
Dans l’attente de vous revoir à cette occasion, nous restons bien cordialement à vous,
Kristina Kovalskaya & Stéphane Dudoignon
Atelier Eurasie centrale
Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités (GSRL)
PSL Université/Ecole pratique des hautes études
14, cours des Humanités --- F-93322 Aubervilliers
Mob. S. : +336 2550 1461 -- Mob. K. : +336 0678 5362