Sabrina Testa, Anne Lancien et Vincent Genin dans « The Non-Religious and the State »

L'ouvrage The Non-Religious and the State. Seculars Crafting Their Lives in Different Frameworks from the Age of Revolution to the Current Day (De Gruyter, 2024), dirigé par Jeffrey Tyssens, Niels de Nutte et Stefan Schröder est paru le 4 novembre 2024. 3e volume de la série "New Perspectives on the History of Liberalism and Freethought", vous pourrez y lire des contributions de Sabrina Testa ("The price of Secularist Activism: Organised Unbelief before the State in Brazil"), Anne Lancien ("The Ligue de l’Enseignement and the French State since 1950: Between Influence and Dissonance"), et Vincent Genin ("Moral and Religious Counselling in French- Speaking Belgium since the 1970s. The Quest for Legal Recognition and Dignity").

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"As the number of the non-affiliated and religiously indifferent is on the rise, this book adds a hitherto absent historical dimension to the field of secular studies. It shows a variety of ways in which the non-religious at large – be it organizations, networks or even committed individuals – impact upon the interface between the state and the religious or the non-religious. To what specific legal statuses have these processes led? What elements were taken into consideration when making these decisions? Who opted for a recognition of a non-confessional lifestance and why? Conversely, who opted for a wall of separation and why? Are things that clear cut? Doesn’t the variety of choices and frameworks offer a more varied spectrum? What continuities and discontinuities are to be observed in the history of seculars and their organizations? These patterns, divergent and entangled, are developed and explained within the broader conception of ‘multiple secularisms’. This book adds a hitherto absent historical dimension to the field of secular studies, and shows a variety of ways in which the non-religious at large – be it organizations, networks or even committed individuals – impact upon the interface between the state and the religious or the non-religious." Page de l'ouvrage :