Réunion de programme « Religion et Francophonie » – « Religious Pluralism and Diasporic Communities in the Czech History »

La prochaine réunion du Programme "Religion et Francophonie" aura lieu le mercredi 11 décembre 2024 de 14:00 à 16:00 en salle 4.083 du bâtiment recherche nord du campus Condorcet. Filip Kraus (Université Palacký) y interviendra sur le thème du pluralisme religieux dans les communautés diasporiques en République Tchèque.


"This public lecture will explore religious pluralism within the context of Czech religious history, highlighting the traditionally misanthropic nature of Czech society towards religion. Beginning with the Hussite Wars, the resolution of such conflicts was only achieved with the Peace of Westphalia. Despite this historical turning point, Czech society has consistently been exclusive, particularly towards non-Christian religions. Consequently, Jewish communities, among others, faced exclusion. In modern times, this religious misanthropy has evolved into cultural xenophobia, with predominantly atheist Czechs often exhibiting strong anti-Islamic sentiments. Interestingly, this attitude does not extend to religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, or more animist religions. In essence, Czech society holds prejudices on certain religions while tolerating others. This presentation will offer an overview of the religious landscape among various migrant groups in the Czech Republic and examine the main attitudes within Czech discourse regarding diasporic religions. Key words: Czech Republic, religious history, diasporic religions, mainstream discourse, cultural prejudices."