Parution – Constance Arminjon dans « Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran »



L'ouvrage Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran est paru chez Ergon. Cette édition bilingue, anglais et allemand, a été dirigée par Anja Pistor-Hatam. Vous y trouverez la contribution de Constance Arminjon intitulée "Human Rights in Twelver Shiite Islam : Iranian Clerics' Debate on Two Legal Traditions" (p. 87-116).


Présentation :

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is bound by the customary content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Iran’s constitution, however, equality rights apply only to Muslims. Also, the protection by law in the constitution is granted to the citizens of the Islamic Republic exclusively within the framework of the Twelver Shiite interpretation of Islamic law. As a result, there are different rights for different people, depending on gender and religion. How universal human rights are discussed and dealt with in Iran on this basis is the subject of this anthology."


Pistor-Hatam, Anja (dir.). Menschenrechte in der Islamischen Republik Iran Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Baden Baden : Ergon (coll. « Kultur, Recht und Politik in Muslimischen Gesellschaften », vol. 45), 2021, p. 87-116 


Page de l'ouvrage sur le site de l'éditeur (en allemand) :


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