Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society Multidisciplinary Approaches

muslim tibetan soc  
Marie-Paule Hille, Bianca Horlemann, Paul K. Nietupski (ed.)
Lanham, Maryland,  Rowman & Littlefield, 2015,  354 p., ISBN : 978-0-7391-7529-3.
Résumé Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches offers nine case studies from several academic disciplines. The chapters describe the ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity within the Muslim communities of Amdo and illustrate complex social interactions with other Amdo communities. While relations between Han Chinese and Tibetans, and between Han Chinese and Muslims in Qinghai and Gansu, have already attracted scholarly attention, this volume has a special focus on Tibetan-Muslim interactions. These are rarely discussed and if so, then mostly in the contexts of trade relations and conflicts. This volume challenges some established stereotypes of Tibetan-Muslim relations and also highlights new facets of cross-cultural contacts and religious and linguistic influences.   Table de matières
Chapter 1: A Study of Qing Dynasty “Xiejia” Rest Houses in Xunhua Subprefecture, Gansu, Yang Hongwei and Max Oidtmann Chapter 2: In the Footsteps of Garaman or Han Yinu? Rebellion, Nationality Autonomy, and Popular Memory among the Salar of Xunhua County, Benno R. Weiner Chapter 3: Self-Identity versus State-Identification of “Tibetan-speaking Muslims” in the Kaligang Area of Qinghai—An Ethnographic Analysis, Chang Chung-Fu Chapter 4: Linguistic Evidence of Salar-Tibetan Contacts in Amdo, Camille Simon Chapter 5: Sufi Lineages among the Salar: an Overview, Alexandre Papas and Ma Wei Chapter 6: Islam and Labrang Monastery: A Muslim Community in a Tibetan Buddhist Estate, Paul Kocot Nietupski Chapter 7: Victims of Modernization? Struggles between the Goloks and the Muslim Ma Warlords in Qinghai, 1917–1942, Bianca Horlemann Chapter 8: Rethinking Muslim-Tibetan Trade Relations in Amdo. A Case Study of the Xidaotang Merchants, Marie-Paule Hille Chapter 9: Economic Restructuring and Labor Market Reforms in Amdo, Qinghai: Insights into Contemporary Tibetan-Muslim Conflict, Andrew M. Fischer Appendix 1: Conversion Table of Tibetan Place Names Appendix 2: Conversion Table of Chinese Place Names Appendix 3: Glossary
Voir le livre sur le site web de l'éditeur. *** Marie-Paule Hille est postdoctorante au GSRL et titulaire d'un contrat du Labex Hastec (2015-2016) pour un projet sur : « Savoir et croire au sein d’une communauté musulmane de langue chinoise (fin du 19e siècle à nos jours) » Vincent Goossaert est le correspondant scientifique.