Quanzhen Daoists in Modern Chinese Culture and Society [co-edited with Vincent Goossaert], China Research Monographs. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2014.
Daoism in Twentieth Century China: Between Eternity and Modernity [co-edited with David Palmer].Berkeley, CA: GAIA/University of California Press, 2012.
Daoist Modern: Innovation, Lay Practice and the Community of Inner Alchemy in Republican Shanghai, Harvard East Asian Monographs, Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2009.
Refereed Articles
“Of Poems, Spirit-writing, and Gods: the Daoist World of the Late Qing Poetess Wang Duan”, Late Imperial China, 36.2 (2015):23-82.
“诗、书、琴、园:清末南阳全真道主领的精英艺术” [Poetry, Calligraphy, Zither and Gardens: Quanzhen Daoist Hosting and Patronage of Literati Arts at the Xuanmiao Monastery in Late Qing and Early Republican Nanyang]. Journal of Quanzhen Daoist Studies 全真道研究, 4(2015):27-58.
“Physicians, Quanzhen Daoists, and Folk Cult of the Sage of Medicine in Nanyang, 1540s–1950s.” Daoism: Religion, History and Society, 6(2014): 269-333.
“清末南陽玄妙觀傳戒考略” [A Study of the Daoist Consecrations at the Xuanmiao Monastery in Late Qing Nanyang]” Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 宗教學研究 [Journal of Religious Studies], 3(2013):7-17.
“Proliferating Learning: Quanzhen Daoist Activism and Modern Education Reforms in Nanyang (1880s-1940s).” Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident, 31(2011):53-90.
“元代武昌的道教名觀---武當萬壽崇寧宫考略 [A Study of Wudang Palace: An Imperially Patronized Daoist Temple in the Yuan-era Wuchang],” Journal of Quanzhen Daoist Studies, 2(2011):221-243;
“In Defense of the City and the Polity: The Xuanmiao Monastery and the Qing Anti-Taiping Campaigns in Mid-Seventeenth Century Nanyang,” T’oung Pao, 95 (2009):287-333; with Chinese version published in 2011/2013.
“General Zhang Buries the Bone: Early Qing Reconstruction and Quanzhen Collaboration in Mid-Seventeenth Century Nanyang,” Late Imperial China, 27.2 (Dec 2006):67-98; with Chin. version published in 2008/2013.
“Immortals and Patriarchs: The Daoist World of a Manchu Official and His Family in 19th Century China,” Asia Major, 3 series, 17.2 (2004) [Actual publication date: spring, 2006]:161-218; Chin.version in 2013.
“Visualized Perfection: Daoist Painting, Court Patronage, Female Piety and Monastic Expansion in Late Qing (1862-1908),” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, (June, 2004 issue):57-115; Chin. v in 2013.
“In Search of Immortality: A study of Travel in Early 20th Century Neidan Poems,” Taoist Resources, 7.1, (April, 1997):23-42.
Book chapters
“Modern Daoism from Late Qing to Early Republican China” in Vincent Goossaert, John Lagerwey, &Jan Kiely, eds. Modern Chinese Religion II, 1850-2015, Leiden: Brill, 2015, vol.2, pp. 806-837.
“Quanzhen Proliferates Learning: The Xuanmiao Temple, Clerical Activism, and Modern Reforms in Nanyang, 1880s-1940s” in Xun Liu and Vincent Goossaert, eds., Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500-2010. China Research Monograph#70. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2013.
“全真廣學: 清末民初南陽的玄妙觀、道士行動與現代改革 [Quanzhen Daoism Proliferates Learning: The Xuanmiao Monastery, Daoist Activism, and Modern Reforms in Late Qing and Early Republican Nanyang]” in Lai Chitim黎志天, ed. 十九世紀以來中國地方道教的變遷 The Transformation of Local Daoism in China Since the Nineteenth Century]. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Co., Ltd., 2013, pp. 383-416.
“Scientizing the Body for the Nation: Chen Yingning and the Daoist Inner Alchemy and the Reinvention of Daoist Inner Alchemy in 1930s Shanghai” in Xun Liu and David Palmer, eds., Between Eternity and Modernity: Daoist Tradition and Transformation in Twentieth Century China, UC Press, 2011, pp.154-177.
“修煉與救國:民初上海道教內丹、城市信眾的修行、印刷文化与團體 “(Self-Cultivation and National Salvation: Daoist Inner Alchemical Practice, Print Culture and Community in Early Republican Shanghai) in 巫仁恕、康豹、林美莉主編《從城市看中國的現代性》臺北:中研 院近史所,2010.
時代とともに:全真道士李宗陽と慈禧、同盟会、および清末民初南陽における近代化改革(一八 九〇年代〜一九三〇年代)[Progressing with Times: Abbot Li Zongyang, Cixi, the Revolutionary Alliance, and Modern Reforms in Nanyang]” (in Japanese) in Tanaka Fumio and Terry Kleeman, eds. Daoism and Kyosei (Co-Geneativsim) Thought, Tokyo: Daigawa Press, Nov, 2009, pp.299-337.
“Numinous Father and Holy Mother: Late Ming Duo Duo-cultivation Practice” in Livia Kohn, ed. Internal Alchemy: Self, Society, and the Quest for Immortality. Boston: Three Pine Press, 2009, pp.122-141.
“張將軍瘱埋枯骨﹕清初南陽重建中全真道與清廷之合作” [General Zhang Buries the Bones: Early Qing Reconstruction and Quanzhen Collaboration in Mid-Seventeenth Century Nanyang], Daojia wenhua yanjiu 道家文化研究, Beijing: Sanlian shudian, 2008, pp.330-64.
Book reviews and research notes
“南陽玄妙觀《道藏》源流及宛圖閱藏記略”[Notes on the Origin of the Daoist Canon of the Xuanmiao Monastery and A Record of My Study of the Daoist Canon held at Nanyang Municipal Library], Bulletin of the Center for the Studies of Daoist Culture (CUHK), 29 (March 2013), pp.1-5.
“Taoists of Peking: 1800-1949, A Social History of the Urban Clerics,” book review, Journal of Asian Studies, 67.2 (May, 2008), pp 687-89.
“Profile of a Quanzhen Doctor: Abbot Huang Zongsheng of the Monastery of Eternal Spring in Wuhan,”Journal of Daoist Studies, 1 (Feb, 2009), pp.154-160.