Programme Religions d’Asie – Rencontre « Missions en Asie »

La première rencontre Missions en Asie, organisée par le programme "Religions d'Asie" du GSRL, aura lieu le mardi 14 mai de 15h à 17h. Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Ji Li (université de Hong Kong) et Edouard L’Hérisson (Inalco) pour deux présentations (en anglais) : Ji LI (Hong Kong univ.) Living through Manchukuo: Alfred Marie Caubrière (1876-1948) and the Chinese Catholic Community in Early Twentieth-Century Manchuria Alfred Marie Caubrière (1876-1948) was a French Catholic missionary from the Société des Missions Étrangères de Paris (MEP) who worked in Manchuria for half a century from 1899 to 1948. During his time in Manchuria, Caubrière left behind two sets of manuscripts: 1) Over 600 family letters written to his parents in France, including over 100 illustrations depicting the daily life of Chinese Catholic villagers, churches, rituals, and regime changes. 2) A 13-volume Chinese language study notebook containing over two thousand word-for-word entries of the daily conversations of Chinese Catholics. A dedicated missionary and meticulous ethnographer, Caubrière’s documentation provides a window into how French missionaries and Chinese Catholic villagers adopted traditions, discourses, and symbols that constituted religion and local culture in everyday situations. By analyzing Caubrière’s personal archives and focusing on the Manchukuo period, this talk explores the interplay between the Catholic mission, the local community, and the changing political contexts of the first half of the twentieth century in Manchuria. Edouard L’Hérisson (Inalco) The implementation of shintō in the Manchukuo: between state cult and missionary religion This presentation will shed light on the life of Matsuyama Teizō (1878-1947), one of Japanese Manchuria's most active shintō missionaries. He is usually known as the founder of Dalian shrine, whom he becomes the first grand priest, and takes part in the building of several shrines in the Japanese railway zone. Main actor of the diffusion of shintō in Dalian, he is however forced to quit his function at the shrine during the 1910 and then decides to create his own autonomous religious community, Musubi-kyō. Through the presentation of this individual case, I hope to show how shintō is actually resettle in the imperial margin through missionary activities and how the concrete experience of this new frontier can lead a missionary to rise as an independent religious leader. Le séminaire aura lieu sur le Campus Condorcet, en salle 5.001 du bâtiment de recherche nord. Il est également possible d'y assister en ligne: En espérant vous y voir nombreux. Anne Dalles Maréchal (