Atelier Eurasie Centrale – Séance 2 : Saida Sirazhudinova
La 2e séance de l’Atelier Eurasie centrale 2024-25 du GSRL à l'EPHE aura lieu le mardi 14 janvier 2025, de 11h00 à 13h00, à l’Humathèque du campus Condorcet, 10 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers (métro Front populaire), en salle 3.05 (troisième étage) — et en ligne via le lien : (code d'accès : KV5V5k). Les personnes ne disposant pas d’un badge du campus sont invitées à demander un passe à la réception.
Nous y recevrons Saida SIRAZHUDINOVA (chercheure indépendante), qui interviendra sur le thème :
Women in Muslim religion practice in the Northeast Caucasus: continuities and mutations
At first glance, the role of women in religion is in the Northeast Caucasus less evident than elsewhere in the former Soviet South. As far as the past is concerned, however, they widely appear in epigraphy, archive documents, biographical and hagiographical literature. In recent years, moreover, significant transformations have taken place in the region’s Muslim religious sphere, entailing new distributions of roles between genders as well as between generations. In particular, large-scale public debates on the influence of Sufism on society have created new cleavages and role distributions — triggering the diffusion of reformist ideas within the youth while women, overall, were becoming more present in everyday Islam, from the performance of the Sufi dhikr and pilgrimage rituality to the exercise of philanthropy and economic entrepreneurship.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à cette occasion,
Stéphane Dudoignon, Agathe Guy, Léo Maillet, Lina Tsrimova