Atelier Eurasie centrale EPHE – mardi 8 mars 2022


La prochaine séance de l’Atelier Eurasie centrale de l’École pratique des hautes études se tiendra le mardi 8 mars 2022 de 11h00 à 13h00, de nouveau en ligne exclusivement, à l’adresse :


Présentation du jour :


Sultonbek Aksakolov (Université d’Asie centrale, Khorog):

Muslim Hagiographic Experiences in the Former Soviet Realm:

11) The Modern Men of God in the Devotional Literature

of the Ismailis of Badakhshan, Tajikistan


Men of God are celebrated in various ways among the Ismaili Shias of Badakhshan, in present-day Tajikistan. The present lecture will analyse a selection of poems and narratives of the late Soviet and current periods. Background information on the religious history and landscape of the region will be followed by the exploration of texts dedicated to religious leaders active in the long twentieth century. We will see, notably, how the mutation of the religious sphere, from the 1980s onwards, has impacted the amount, form and content of Ismaili Shia hagiographic literature produced in Badakhshan. We will observe the interactions, in this production, of sacred lineages and current religious leaders, on the first hand, with secular-background authors on the other, and its consequences on the recent evolution of literary genres.


Au plaisir de vous retrouver à cette occasion,


Stéphane Dudoignon & Kristina Kovalskaya



Atelier Eurasie centrale

Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités

PSL/Ecole pratique des hautes études

14, cours des Humanités - 93322 Aubervilliers