Atelier Eurasie centrale EPHE – Mardi 22 février 2022


La prochaine séance de l’Atelier Eurasie centrale de l’École pratique des hautes études se tiendra le mardi 22 février 2022 de 11h00 à 13h00, cette fois exclusivement en ligne à l’adresse


Présentation du jour :


The next session of the Permanent Central Eurasia Workshop of the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris will be held on Tuesday 22 February 2022 from 11:00 to 13:00, GMT+1, this time exclusively online at

Lecture of the day:


Allen J. Frank (independant researcher):

Muslim Hagiographic Experiences in the Former Soviet Realm:

10) A Turkmen Verse Hagiography from the Niyazov Era


Turkmenistan, like the other former Soviet republics of Central Asia, has undergone its own variety of ‘re-Islamisation’ since the late 1980s. The difficulty of doing research in Turkmenistan, and the small number of religious publications, especially after 2000, have not encouraged or facilitated the study of Turkmen religious practices, even though it is generally recognized that shrine pilgrimage and Sufi practices are particularly important for Turkmen religious life and social organisation. One of our only insights into literary sources on Turkmen pilgrimage is a verse hagiography published as a 35-page pamphlet titled Ak Ishan, containing a verse hagiography of an Ahal-Teke saint who lived in the first half of the nineteenth century.


Atelier Eurasie centrale

Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités

PSL Univ./Ecole pratique des hautes études

14, cours des Humanités - 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex