Atelier Eurasie Centrale EPHE – mardi 14 juin 2022


La prochaine séance de l’Atelier Eurasie centrale de l’École pratique des hautes études se tiendra le mardi 14 juin 2022 de 11h00 à 13h00 au Bâtiment recherche Nord du Campus Condorcet, 14 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers, en salle 5.067. Cette séance sera accessible en ligne à l’adresse


The next session of the Central Eurasia Workshop of the Practical School of Advanced Studies of Paris will take place on Tuesday 14 May 2022, from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM GMT+1 in Room 5.067 of the ‘North’ Research Building at Campus Condorcet, 14 Cours des Humanités in Aubervilliers (metro Front Populaire). The session will be accessible online via the usual link


Présentation du jour :

Lecture of the day:

The Polished Mirror:

Islamic belief and elusive knowledge in the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi brotherhood

Jesko Schmoller

Humboldt University Berlin


This presentation is concerned with matters of belief (iman) in a branch of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi brotherhood. Whereas the shaykh of the branch, Qurban-‘Ali Hazrat, is at home in Taraz, in the south of Qazaqstan, he has assembled a large following that extends beyond the borders of the Qazaq state, for instance to the city of Ufa in the Russian Urals, where a representative (khalifa) of the shaykh conveys the teachings of the group. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork in Ufa and an analysis of the publication ‘Mechanism of Creation’ (Almaty, 2017) by Qurban-‘Ali Hazrat, the presentation engages with Sufi metaphysics and the cosmological outlook cultivated in the brotherhood. Curiously, these deeper layers of iman are associated with notions of purity and, if Sufi aspirants do not wish to risk losing some of their spiritual insights, they better align their conduct with the highest standards of Islamic piety. Because of its elusiveness, capturing that kind of knowledge and discussing it in an academic context constitutes a certain methodological challenge.


Looking forward to seeing you on this occasion,

Au plaisir de vous retrouver à cette occasion,


Stéphane Dudoignon & Kristina Kovalskaya


Atelier Eurasie centrale

Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités

PSL/Ecole pratique des hautes études

14, cours des Humanités – F-93300 Aubervilliers

Mob. SAD : +336 2550 1461 - Mob. KVK : +336 0678 5362