Membres associés en France
Courriel : alexandra.lavrillier[a]
Téléphone : +33 (0)1 80 28 53 27
- Associate Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Master 1&2 Arctic Studies, Research Center CEARC, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin (OVSQ, UVSQ), France.
- Deputy director of the CEARC
- Associated fellow to the GSRL (Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités) – CNRS UMR 8582 (IRESCO, Paris), since 2005.
- Coordinator of the OVSQ’s Multidisciplinary Arctic Network - Environment and Societies facing global issues (with J-M Huctin).
- Coordinator of the project BRISK (BRidging Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge about global change in the Arctic: adaptation and vulnerability of society & environment) (2013-2016) funded by the French National Agency for Research’s program – Society and Environment (ANR-12-SENV-0005-01).
- Coordinator of BRISK’s OBS project (Brisk’s project observatories) (2014 – 2016), Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV).
List of courses
- Master 2 « Arctic Studies » (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Arctic societies - MSAR 304
- Arctic anthropology – Siberian and circumpolar studies - MSAR 313
- Geopolotics of the Arctic – MSAR302
- Scientific writing and project conception MSAR 305
- Master 1 « Sciences sociales » (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Anthtopologie du développement et de l'environnement
- Ecole doctorale "Sciences de l’environnement Ile de France" (ED129)
- Impacts du changement climatique sur les peuples autochtones de l’Arctique
- Licence 2 - ILEI
- Les grands enjeux de l’Arctique – LHARC304
- Licence 1 - UFR SHS
- Anthropologie sociale et culturelle - LHSOC2015
- Ex-student of Paris 10 Nanterre & EPHE – Anthropology and of INALCO – Russian language (Paris)
- Max Planck Institute – EVA, Leipzig (Germany), Researcher
- INALCO (France), Lecturer
- State University of Blagovescensk (Russia), Lecturer
- CNRS-MSH, ECHO (5th PCRDT), NECEP project (, Researcher
- EPHE – V section (France), Lecturer
- State University of Yakutsk (Russie), Lecturer
- CNRS-UMR 7103, Villejuif (France), Scientific publication project