Atelier Eurasie centrale EPHE – Shamil Shikhaliev : « Islamic Manuscript from Private Collections and Muslim Subjectivity »


La prochaine séance de l’Atelier Eurasie centrale de l’École pratique des hautes études se tiendra le mardi 8 février 2022 de 11h00 à 13h00 au Bâtiment recherche Nord du Campus Condorcet, 14 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers, en salle 5.067. RDV à 10h50 dans le hall du bâtiment. Les personnes extérieures au campus arrivant plus tard sont invitées à demander un badge électronique à la réception. La séance est également accessible en ligne via le lien


Présentation du jour :

Shamil Shikhaliev (Institute of History, Makhachkala & University of Amsterdam):

Muslim Hagiographic Experiences in the Former Soviet Realm:

9) Islamic Manuscripts from Private Collections and Muslim Subjectivity


International studies of manuscripts from the world of Islam pertain of different approaches including palaeography, the study of distinct genres and the analysis of works by individual authors or groups of authors. Often, these approaches focus on the manuscript works, their authors or the intellectual history of a particular area. Statistical analysis of the genre diversity of private manuscript collections shows the peculiarities of the formation of collections through the prism of the subjectivity of their owners. The different genre composition of manuscript collections is due to the influence of different ideological schools, currents, changes and perceptions of new educational institutions and ideas on an individual, which ultimately affects the formation of her or his own collection. Based on a statistical analysis of the repertoire of several private manuscript collections in Dagestan, the presentation will describe the peculiarities of the subjectivity of owners in forming their own manuscript collections – with special interest in the impact of modern-day hagiographic experiences in the process of collection itself.


Au plaisir de vous retrouver à cette occasion,


Stéphane A. Dudoignon & Kristina V. Kovalskaya