Communications du colloque ‘Points of Transition: Ovoo and the Ritual Remaking of Religious, Ecological, and Historical Politics in Inner Asia »

Voici les communications du colloque co-organisé par UC Berkeley Mongolia Initiative - Institute of East Asian Studies et le GSRL, et sponsorisé par le France-Berkeley Fund. Toutes les communications sont en anglais.

(captation MAND Studio, chaîne youtube : Mongolia Initiative at UC Berkeley, Events)


Panel 1 : Ovoo Diversity  


intervention d'Aurore Dumont (Academia Sinica) : "Community, Faith, and Politics: The Ovoo Cairns and Rituals of the Shinehen Buryats Throughout the 20th Century"

intervention de Kip Grosvenor Hutchins (University of Wisconsin-Madison) : "With Each Pass, Another Stone: Ovoo at the Heart of Heritage, Environment, and Conflict"

intervention de Bernard Charlier (Université Catholique de Louvain) : "From Attachment to Detachment: Praying at the Ovoo and Finding One’s Place Far from the Homeland" 

intervention de Bolor Crystal Lkhaajav (University of San Francisco) : "Dilemma of the Sacred Lands: The Ovoo and Its Environment"

intervention de Sam Bass (Indiana University) : “They call out to their dead devils!” The Erküd and the Rejection of Communal Rituals in a Mongolian Banner"

    Panel 2 : Ovoo Histories    

intervention d'Isabelle Charleux (CNRS) :  "Ovoos on Qing Dynasty Mongol Banner Maps (Late 19th‐Early 20th century)" (with slides detailing maps!)

intervention d'Anne-Sophie Pratte (Harvard University) : "Mapping Ovoos and Making Boundaries in 19th-Century Khalkha Mongolia" (more maps!!)

intervention de Sangseraima Ujeed (UC Santa Barbara) : "Buddhist Origins of Ovoo Phenomena"

intervention de Brian Baumann (UC Berkeley) : "Rock-Pile Genius"

intervention de Devon Margaret Dear (Harvard University) : "Ovoos on the Border Between the Qing and Russian Empires"

  Panel 3 : Ovoo Processes   *

intervention de Marissa Smith (De Anza College) :  "Ovoos and Ovoo Practices of Erdenet Miners: Ethics of Belonging and Generation"

intervention de Gaëlle Lacaze (Sorbonne Université) :  "Ovoo Worship in Mine-golia"

intervention de Jessica Madison-Pískatá (UC Santa Cruz) : "You Dream of the Mountain and the Mountain Dreams of You : Mongolian Geo-Ethics and the Poetic Life of Altan Ovoo"

intervention de Gregory Delaplace (Université Paris-Nanterre) et Laurent LEGRAIN (Université de Toulouse) : "Being Skilled: The Virtue of Accurately Composing with the Heterogeneity of the Cosmos in Mongolia"

intervention de Rebecca Watters (The Wolverine Foundation) : "Ovoo and Human-Nature Interaction"